« Mijn recepten voor 24Kitchen: zwarte spaghetti en gevulde inktvisjes in tomatensaus | Hoofdmenu | Crocchette di piselli e ricotta (kroketjes van doperwtjes en ricotta) »


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Oh Nicolette, wat een heerlijk recept!

Dank je, Jacobien! :)

You're a Goddess. Ever tried it with Bourbon instead of rum or brandy? And what would you use if you couldn't get any liquor at all? The mascarpone I can get.

Haha, grazie Rami. :) Never tried it with Bourbon. I definitely will, love it! As far as no liquor is concerned I guess you'll have to wait until you've left that strrrrange country. Stick to strong espresso and dream of tiramisù with espresso AND Bourbon until you're back to a civilized contry. ;) Next time you're here I'll make it for you. With LOTS of alcohol. :D

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